Monday, August 11, 2008

The Men In My Life

My daughters and granddaughters mean the world to me, as you know. They have all taken exceptional care of me (I think Shannon had to bathe, dress, and do my hair 21 times) and it is imposssible for me to express my gratitude adequately. However, I know I would not make it through this without the wonderful men in my life as well.
My plastic surgeon is a wonderful man (his wife is a breast cancer survivor)and he reminded me today that many husbands can't take the pressure of taking care of a wife with breast cancer, and many end up getting divorced. It made me think again of how blessed and grateful I am for my exceptional husband. He is my best friend and support. I'm especially grateful for the miracles I've received from his priesthood blessings. I'm also extremely grateful for my wonderful sons. Jaren has to put up living with his mother-in-law (can you imagine!?) and is so sweet and helpful. He's also Mike's favorite riding pal and I'm thankful for that, too. Chris, Brandon, and Taylor have been faithful in calling me and I've enjoyed long happy conversations on a regular basis. Their love and devotion gives me the courage to carry on. I'm so proud of the fabulous husbands, fathers, and priesthood holders they are. They are an inspiration to me.
Now if you've seen my the rest of my blog, you'll notice the other two men in my life. They're the ones holding the We love grandma sign. Ian and Colton. They call me regularly from NY and Ian always sings a primary song to me (all verses!). I can't even tell you how much I miss them and cannot wait until I get to see them again. Thanks guys for your love and support. I couldn't do this without you!!!


Anonymous said...

AMEN and AMEN! You have the neatest men! I have loved visiting with Mike to get updates. My prayers and love are sent your way daily. Give me a call when you feel like an out and I will come out and we can do something crazy, I don't know, Maybe lunch> Kids go back on the 25th to school and I will be kidless in the afternoons!!! Love you, Missy

Arizona Arnolds said...

Shirlene, You do have an outstanding family. I know a great deal of their goodness was learned from your example. You are such an amazing woman and a strength to others. I know they are now reaping blessing by extending themselves to you, it is not always easy to be the recepiant instead of the one serving but, once again, you do it with such grace. You are in my prayers, Marla