Thursday, January 8, 2009

Mike's 60th birthday

Mike turned 60 years old yesterday, January 7th!!! He's not too happy about it, but we're going to celebrate anyway. I'm hosting a little open house for him Saturday evening from 7 to 9 so if you're in the area please feel free to stop by. We had a fabulous time with our family over the holidays and hope you did, too. I'm feeling much better and getting geared up for radiation which will start this coming Tuesday. I will go 5 days a week for the next five weeks. Everyone tells me radiation is a "walk in the park" compared to chemo so I'm counting on it! I feel so blessed to have such great friends and family helping me along this journey. My testimony continues to grow as I feel the love of the Lord daily through your love and prayers and support. Thanks for your calls, visits, responses on the blog and e-mails. It really helps!!
Love to all,


kristen said...

Happy Birthday Mike!! We miss you so much already. We wish we were still up there. Hope your day was wonderful!! We love you!
Kristen, Chris, Liv, Ivy, Chloe, and Lily

Terin said...

Happy Birthday Bishop! Wow, 60 is impressive. I hope you had a great birthday. Thanks for all you have done for me. Let's just say you should feel sorry for all the Bishops that have followed you. You are a tough act to follow and yes I do compare. You are a wonderful man and I am happy to know you.

Anonymous said...

WHOA! 60! What is that like? I still have a few years to go before I hit 40. Even that is coming too quickly.

Happy B-day Mike! We love you.

ps. we may be up in your neck of the woods in June or July... first ever family vacation to car... from MN. Whew Hew!. Hopefully we can touch base.

Love Mike and Jenn Anderson

kristen said...

Happy Birthday Poppy! I love you guys and I sure miss you. I can't wait to see you. I love you:)!

Joan said...

So sorry we missed this - I got your message that day & life has been insane! I hope your b-day was great! Shirlene, you sounded so healthy on the phone - I was so happy to hear your {strong} voice.
Hope you are doing well. Let me know when you are up for another "AZ ladies" lunch.
Love ya, Joan

kristen said...

Hi Grandma! Its Liv again! Just wondering how radiations going. I hope that you post again soon!