Sunday, August 30, 2009

Family Fun

Thanks to Livi and Haley for posting "Picture updates" on my blog. Everyone is getting used to my chemo hair but me. It still surprises me when I look in the mirror, but please don't think I'm complaining. Even though the curls are out of control it's a blessing to have hair. I'm told the curl lasts about a year after chemo then it begins to relax - so we'll see!

Susie and the boys came for a visit and we had a ball. The girls couldn't get enough of them and it was a very sad day for all of us when they had to go home. Ian is a gentleman/scholar extraordinaire! and Colton is pure comedian! Between the two of them it was entertainment 24/7 and we loved every minute of it. We were on the go almost everyday and have fun memories of swimming at Lifetime, Lagoon, Liberty Park, the Children's museum downtown, miniature golfing, Midway, shopping, movies, and hanging out at Grandma's. We sure missed Taylor, but Susie is a wonderful, sweet daughter-in-law and I just can't thank her enough for making the brutal 12 hour trip (each way!!) with the boys so the family could be together.

Chris and Kristen were supposed to have been here during Susie's stay BUT they sold their home in AZ in July so they were packing like crazy and preparing for their move to Utah!!! They arrived on the 9th of August- just two days before Susie left- homeless, and without a job . Chris was a "little" stressed at first but now that he has secured a fabulous job, purchased a beautiful home in Sandy, and the girls are settled in school they are happy to be here. We are THRILLED out of our minds to have them here and love having our Sunday dinners with 11 happy, screaming, laughing girls once again.

It is an absolute miracle to have Brandon and Chris with their families living close by. I know I don't deserve it, but I am the most grateful and happy mom/grandma in the world.
We're all looking forward to our family vacation the end of September, and I can't wait to be with my little boys, and Tay and Susie again.

I continue to be amazed at the love and blessings the Lord offers me. His tender mercies abide with me daily and give me strength to carry on. He has heard the prayers and pleadings on my behalf and granted me blessings greater than I deserve. I'm tolerating my biological treatments (oral anit-cancer drug) and beginning to feel stronger every day. Friday will be the first of several reconstruction surgeries. It will be a quick outpatient surgery to replace the left tissue expander that had to be removed in December. My surgeon is very optomistic and I extend my deep gratitude for good doctors, a great ward, and cherished friends and family.
Till next time!


Anonymous said...

You've come a long way Shirlene! It's so amazing to watch your progress and of course feel your faith and strength! Curly is in! I think it's awesome. I am so happy for you that you have more family close by. My mom keeps wishing that we'll come back too. You just never know. It's great to see pictures of you and Mike. We miss you and remember with gratitude the time we spent in AZ. Best Wishes!
Jenn Anderson

Sandy Jackson said...

We are so happy for your recovery. I am so happy Chris and Brandon and their families are close to you again. Someday Taylor will at least be in the west again. July 7th was a happy day for you and July 1st a happy day to have Lola join you. Mike and Nanette had Sophie on July 7th and Nick and Jessica will have their 2nd in April. Chris is on the coaching staff of the mens olympic volleyball team and has traveled all over the world as the team has played in World cups, and National tournements. He is in Brazil now and then Japan after that. They have been in Holland, France, Italy, Surbia(sp?),and China. He will be with them at the 2012 Olympics in England. We love you and are happy things are going well.
Love Sandy