Friday, November 14, 2008

A Grateful Day!

It's good to be among the living. Round five of chemo proved to be disastrous and Dr. Litton feels the risk of one more dose of taxotere or carboplatin is not worth permanent neurological damage or worse. I agree.
Two weeks ago I developed an infection that required a trip to the emergency room. After returning home I had a reaction to the medication and had to go back to the hospital via ambulance where they administered phenergan and I had a violent reaction to that. Three days later I was able to return home with the aid of Home Health Care. Mike and Shannon were trained in administering antibiotics through my pic line and they have proven to be extremely good "nurses" as they have cared for me literally 24/7 for the last few weeks. I'm still fighting the infection, but able to take antibiotics orally. The greater issue is neurological damage from the T and C chemo. Gratefully I am under the care of a fabulous Neurologist, Dr. Nancy Futrell, and making excellent progress. The fact that I can type (however slow) is a miracle to me and also gives me assurance that the damage is not permanent. It has only been a few days that I've been able to walk unassisted for many weeks, and I'm feeling stronger every day. The plan now is to continue with the Herceptin once every 21 days for the next 8 1/2 months. This is the most important drug for me and has mild if any side effects. Dr. Litton feels the nurses at the infusion center will be succesful in administering the Herceptin IV and so I was able to have the pic line removed. Our goal for my next treatment is the 24th if the infection is cleared. I'll meet with the Radiologist in December to determine when radiation will begin.
It is impossible to express the gratitude I feel for each one of you. Your love and concern has meant more to me than you'll ever know. Each phone call, note, response on the blog, visit, prayer and fast has strengthened and bouyed me up. Thanks to you I'm on the road to recovery and look forward to seeing you or talking with you soon.
My deepest love and gratitude,


*Angie* said...

Hooray! So great to hear from you on your blog and to hear you are feeling better. You are always in our thoughts and prayers!

Nikki said...

Shirlene- You are truly AMAZING! After hearing your story last week I can't help but think what inspiration you are! The Lord has something magnificant for you yet to do in this life! You are so strong in spirit! I love that you are fighting this with all your might! We love you and continue to pray for your strength and healing. Lots of love,

Chad and Nikki

Joan said...

I am so glad you are doing better! *PHEW*. You always look amazing when I see you. I hope and pray your body can continue to become stronger so that you can finish fighting this! You are such a lovely lady, I truly mean that. What a wonderful support you have to help you through this. I was always so worried when David would get infections in his central, but also frustrated that it pushed back his scheduled treatments so I know how you feel...... continue to be strong. I hope nothing else gets in the way of your progression, I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Love - Joan and Mike

Jill said...


You have had quite the roller coaster ride...I'm so sorry chemo has been so rough for you. I'm glad the hear you are doing better and praying for your continued strength and healing.


Jill Parkinson

Tawnya said...

Shirlene and Shannon, I was wonderful to see both of you. Shirlene, the news is wonderful. I am glad the Dr.'s have reached an acceptable treatment that will hopefully be easier for you. I can not tell you how special our visit with you was. Your spirit is so strong, and your faith, your endurance, and your influence on me is unfailing. How you continue to smile and look beautiful always, is amazing. Keep up the positive attitude and know you are in our prayers. Love to all of your family.
Tawnya and Varcel

Jenny Thomas said...

I'm so glad you're doing better Shirlene, I was so worried! But you are doing what you need to do, focusing on recovery. My thoughts are always with you; don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything.