Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Thankful Week

Monday my Oncologist gave the go ahead to continue with the Herceptin treatments so I went directly to the Infusion center after my appointment with him. GRATEFULLY I have not had any side effects and had a fabulous THANKSGIVING weekend.
Scott and Cyndee (Mike's brother and his wife) invited us to their home for THANKSGIVING dinner, and it was awesome. We loved being with them, their kids and grandkids while relishing a fantastic meal! THANK YOU Scott and Cyndee - we are very GRATEFUL to you. Chris brought his family to town for the weekend so we were BLESSED to spend Friday with them. We celebrated Olivia's 12th birthday lunching at Paradise Bakery, shopping at the District, and going to see "Twilight". Mike hauled us everywhere and Emrey and Haley were invited for her "special" day. THANK YOU Livy for a great day. I'm so GRATEFUL we had the opportunity to be with you!!!! After the movie everyone gathered at my home for dinner and birthday cake. It was a great BLESSING for me to be with my family. Sunday I was able to attend my meetings, and visit with ward friends. I'm GRATEFUL for this time of year when we take stock of our BLESSINGS, and count myself ever so lucky to be here.


kristen said...

It was so much fun to be there with you! You looked AMAZING! I can't wait until Christmas when we'll be back up. Thanksgiving just wasn't long enough. I love you and miss you so much!

Anonymous said...

Sister Seare
We read your blog all the time but never figured out how to post on it so we hope this works.Glad to hear you are doing OK and wish we could be with you but for now please know are prayers are. We love you and miss you and Mike very much
Jim & Judy Mc Clintock

susan said...

Looks like you had a fabulous week. You look so awesome. We can't wait to see you. We've all began our official countdown!!

Love, Susie and boys

Sandy Jackson said...

It is good to hear that you are feeling much better. It sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family. Let me know when you are ready for a friend from AZ to visit.
Love Sandy

Deanna said...

Shirlene, I'm so glad you were feeling better and had a great Thanksgiving. What a blessing. We still continue to pray for you. Looks like you had a lot of fun with your 12 year olds. I was out doing the same thing with our screaming Edward fans.

Hope you have a good Christmas and continue to feel okay.

Much love! Deanna

Dawn said...

I'm thankful that you are feeling well! Sounds like an amazing week. We really can't wait to get up there for Christmas! Love you tons!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shirlene! How wonderful to hear that you are up and at ' to enjoy being out with your family! This is great news! Always know you are in my heart and prayers. Keep up the good work and that great smile!Sounds like your Christmas will be a wonderful one! Love you lots!

Joan said...

I am so glad you were able to enjoy look amazing as always! I hope Twilight didn't put you over the edge..j/k. I Love the books, much to my mike's dismay.
So glad to hear that you are doing well.
Love, Joan