Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fun in the Sun

My mother-in-law, Cyndee, and Connie (sisters-in-law) showed up at the Huntsman Center with cookies, flowers, and gifts for my ringing the bell ceremony!!!! One problem; I went in two hours early that day so I wouldn't miss my flight and by the time they got there I was almost to the airport. I was very, very sad but my doctor, technicians, and nurses loved the party! They have been my "cheerleaders" through this journey and I can't thank them enough.
It was good to be in Arizona soaking up the sun and helping (a little) with Dawn. She had her final visit with the Neurologist just a few days before I left, and he gave her the go ahead to drive. She's improving by leaps and bounds and looks forward to a full recovery. I had a great time staying at their home during the week, and then going to Chris and Kristen's for the weekends. The weather was perfect for playing at the park, going to the mall, eating outside at Paradise Bakery, and going to the movies. I especially loved my "special day" outings with the girls. It's been a long time. I am so grateful that I was able to go, and recognize the hand of the Lord in it.
Thanks to the Ashland Ranch Ward ladies who showed up for our get-together dinner! I cannot tell you how great it was to see you. It was absolutely healing to be with you and get a hug. I made sure I had my camera before I left so I could get lots of pictures, but with the excitment of seeing everyone I totally forgot about it! If any of you are willing, I'd love some pics to post on my blog. Thanks again. I love you dearly.



sharry said...
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sharry said...

shirlene, it was wonderful to spend just a minute with you. you looked so good...just your gorgeous, loving, lovable self. i got home and couldn't believe she had missed such a wonderful photo op...i guess that means will just have to do it again! :)

love you, sharon...

sharry said...

sorry...i meant WE had missed a photo op...didn't mean to blame SHE...whoever She is?!