Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The journey begins...

Dear Family and Friends,
In less than eight hours I will begin my journey to recovery of breast cancer. As most of you know I was diagnosed just one week ago and already we have been blessed with great miracles and tender mercies from the Lord. I know He is near and will continue to bless me and my family, and we thank you for your contined love and prayers. In the morning I'll undergo surgery for a bilateral modified radical mastectomy with removal of lymph nodes from under my left arm. Dr's Erik Anderson and Bryce Allred will perform the surgery at the new Intermountain Medical Center, and on Wednesday I'll meet with the oncologist, Dr. Litton at the same facility. I'm told I'll probably start Chemo immediately although I have no idea what the schedule and time frame will be, but I'm sure I'll know soon enough. When I'm finished with chemo I will undergo radiation and then reconstruction so I guess I'll have to bow out of the upcoming ward welfare assignment! I planned to go wig shopping today, but opted to soak up the sun for a couple of hours with Shan and the girls at Lifetime, so I'm hoping for a few good days to check out the hair scene before week two of chemo.
Thanks to my wonderful ward family and friends who joined in fasting and prayer yesterday-a miracle was granted. I was struggling with the previously planned procedure to operate on the left side only. My good friend and neighbor, Dr. John Nichols came over Sunday night and offered some very good advice. I was prepared to call Dr. Anderson this morning to discuss my concerns, but to my surprise he called me and said he'd been thinking about my upcoming surgery and felt we needed to remove both sides, but we would have to postpone for a week due to the fact it would now require more O.R. time and a plastic surgeon. He expressed his concern about postponing chemo for another week, but felt there was no alternative. I thanked him and hung up the phone. Within minutes he called back to inform me that he had lined up the plastic surgeon and extended the OR time and we were back on track. Thank you, friends and family; fasting and prayer works!
It is impossible to put into words the love and appreciation I feel for my wonderful, faithful, practically perfect husband, children, and grandchildren. Sweet memories of our recent family vacation will sustain me over the next weeks and months, and I can hardly wait to hug you and be with you again. You are the reason I will beat this.

My love to all-

(Mom wrote this June 30th @ 10:00 pm)


Jenny said...

When we found out about your situation we were in complete shock. It is hard to understand why bad things happen to such great people. We love you and pray for you each day that you will have the strength to recover. You have blessed our family so much especially during the time that we were in Arizona with no immediate family of our own. You have always been so generous and supportive to our family and made us feel so welcome into yours. If there is anything we can do please don't hesitate to call. We support you and wish the best for you and your family.
Love, Jenny

Tara L. Stradling said...

Shirlene, I am saddened to hear about your situation. You are one of the lovliest and strongest people I know and feel myself privileged to have gotten to know you a little. You are in my prayers sweet lady. I wish you and Bishop the very best in this struggle and send my love to both of you!

-Tara LaRue (Ashland Ranch Ward)

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry for this battle that you are up against. Our family is in the middle of cancer with my mother. BUT just like you, we are seeing the hand of the Lord in it and certainly are experiencing His miracles and growing our faith as we seek to consecrate our lives.

We love you! We are praying for you! Jennifer Brinkerhoff

B and D said...

Shirlene, We were so sorry to hear about your illness. But I don't have a doubt in the world that you can beat it! I was at a BYU education week one year and the speaker (an oncology nurse) said that if she could get any disease it would be cancer. Why? Because the doctors know what to do about it and how to treat it. That was right after my own mother had a mastectomy. She is now 86 and still going strong, well maybe not strong but going all the same! I know you have some hard days ahead of you but please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. All our love to you and your family.

Bruce and Diane Cassens

Toby said...


I am so sorry to hear about your cancer. You were so kind to us while we were living in Gilbert. You are in our prayers and we look forward to your updates!

Much love - Toby Barlow

VeeDrienne said...


Our prayers are with you and we know you will continue to be blessed, watched over and cared for by our loving Father in Heaven as you go through yet another trial in this life. We express our love, support and prayers and trust you will feel the sustaining care of all of your family and friends during the coming weeks and months as you undergo treatment to overcome this affliction.

We greatly admire your optimistic and positive attitude which you displayed in the hospital today following surgery.

Thanks for being such an awesome mother, mother-in-law and grandmother. You have set a wonderful example as a grandmother to the beautiful grandaughters we share.

VeeDrienne and Gordon

Because Abbey and Sofey are staying with us tonight, they write . . .

Dear Grandma,
We love you and know you'll get all the way better. We miss you. You are always so nice to us. When you get home we will be there to help you just like you have helped us. Hugs and Kisses. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
Love you forever,
Abbey and Sofey

*Angie* said...

Our prayers are with you and we are always thinking of you!

Sandy Jackson said...

My dearest friend, Shirlene,
I have had a constant prayer in my heart these past few days. I am happy the surgery went well. You are so dear to me and I know you have the determination to beat this. You and I have been on our knees together in prayer and know first hand that faith precedes the miracle.
I love you dearly, Sandy (AZ)

Tiffany said...

I'm so sorry to hear what's been going on! We will for sure be praying for you. You are still missed so much in our ward!

Much love,
Tiffany Larson and Family

Atalie said...

Sorry to hear of this trial. I think most people have felt the wakes of cancer in one way or another. I didn't get to know you very well, but I was very impressed by you in our few meetings. I wish you and your family continued strength and support. You are in our hearts and prayers. You are truly a class act! What a timely move to be around family! I bet they love having you close!
My regards.
Atalie Van Dam