Wednesday, July 30, 2008

no wasting time

Today was day two since Shirlene had her first chemotherapy treatment. She is doing great. She seems to have two paces. Either extremely energetic and anxious or passed out exhausted. She has been waiting patiently to get up to Midway to find some home decor for her house and decided today was the day. We were completely shocked that she would have the energy to go but she had her mind made up and said she definately felt up to it. I also think she is growing slightly tired of her house since she's spent so much time in it this past month. I know she also did it for me knowing I wanted to get there before I had to head back home tomorrow. So for those reasons and with Shirlene feeling up to it we made it there this afternoon and all found fun, unique decor for our homes. We ended up having a late lunch and enjoyed the car ride home sleeping, except for Shannon who had to drive of course.

My girls and I have had a great time being here with Shirlene and Mike and Shannon's family. We are going to miss being so close but know we'll be back up soon. Shirlene, you're amazing! Thank you for the great example you've always been and continue to be to us. We love you.

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